Advantages to clients:
Affordable price
Low maintenance fees
All payments are made on time
ROI of 130% per year

Why HashFlare?
HashFlare Cloud mining offers a unique option for mining with a low cost of entry as well as minimal risk and expense, which is opposite to traditional models of mining that involve procurement, maintenance and configuration of highly specialized hardware.
One of the goals of HashFlare team is to make mining simple and affordable to everyone.

What is cloud mining?
Cloud Mining is the process of bitcoin mining utilizing a remote datacenter with shared processing power. This type of mining allows users to mine bitcoins or alternative cryptocurrencies without having to manage their own hardware. One only needs a home computer for communications, optional local bitcoin wallets.

All the client have to do is:
Sign up
Choose  SHA-256 or Scrypt contracts
Make payment with either direct bank transfer, credit card or even with BTC

Important! Cookies policy from Hashflare:
Cookies LTV - 30 days;
Last cookie wins for all user's contracts.